Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Lousy Brain

picturesque aint it? hey there, bold move!
well the picture has nothing to do with the content. 
just randomly feel like posting this up. ;)

weekend is here, again. time flies. sometimes, i really hate myself for being so blur, not knowing anything. slow in 'absorbing' information, i want to be able to receive and transmit information like a sponge absorbing water. 

brain is a muscle which needs regular exercise. my brain is very much lazying, being in the comfort zone, just like the owner herself. really gotta stand up, get out of this comfort zone. and then, i went to google How to Improve Brain Power.

and there it goes,
  • Do something new!
  • Exercise regularly
  • Train your memory
  • Be curious
  • Get enough sleep
  • Ban the calculator. . . 

so on and so forth.

start from something new, is driving something new to me? haha, it's been so long not driving a car. cause everytime when i wanted to drive, mom goes like "so many cars out there, next time." and next time becoming never. 
Exercise, it's been so long too. jogging and badminton, i'm coming :D just in the mood for those. 
train memory by memorizing, well, finds no point, slash out. 
Curious, i'm curious all the time, it's just that sometimes i feel stupid for asking some stupid questions when i'm surrounded by all those experienced professionals. :\ trying to shoo this stupid mindset away. 
ban the calculator? what's the point of inventing a calculator hello! well, see, technology is so advance that some complex job can be done easily, therefore people are becoming lazy as by simple move, simple click you get what you want, that's what making people lazy, people like me. D: 
and with getting enough sleep

i shall sleep now, Goodnight. and practice all these simple ways starting from tomorrow i hope.


Anonymous said...

Do it, become a better driver
Exercise regularly, don't dither
Train your brain by more reading
And be curious, keep on learning
No doubt, get enough sleep & rest
It is all to your great interest
Good habits mustn't come to an end
Have a lovely weekend!

shingying said...

alright, will try to be less blur. This blurness is making people so depressed.
Thankyou. Have a lovely weekend as well :)
you are?