Thursday, June 23, 2011

Finals are Over!

hello people. Here again.
finals are over! Sem 1 ended, just like that.
*cross fingers* hopefully, no one needs to resit/retake
don't wana talk/think about finals.

the past weeks were awesome.
although did not have enough sleep, busy with assignments and books,
but the weeks were awesome!
crazy weeks, sleep after 4am almost everyday
and wake up around 10am everyday, this is crazy.
this is the end of craziness! hahahaa.
miss the night study, mamak, mama's house! :D
actually, not much studying going on, more to crapping session.
hahahahahahhaa. see you guys after a month.

and now when i have the time (finally!) to sleep.....
all i do is sitting here, typing, chatting, thinking...
im so so so lazy to move.
so so so so lazy, to even cut off the price tags.

finals are over! Happy?
i don't feel happy at all, i wonder why.
this is super weird can!
i thought its the moment that im anticipating..
but no...
crappy person kills my mood.

anyway, im so gonna trim my fringe tmrw. wahahahhaa
have the urge to trim it since very long back then,
but i just don't have the time.
and now... *KA CHAK*
yes, by myself. :D

Okay, goodnight people.
i kinda crap a lot today.

you're the reason why.


LuPorTi said...

You are getting more weird. Hohoho.
Exam finish weh, a very happy stuff lai leh! Haha.
Anyway, congratulate of finishing the exam.

shingying said...

wey! ;)
you done your practicum also right?

LuPorTi said...

Ya. Right!