Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hola from Subang

Hello from Subang! *waves.
am currently at Taylor's Lakeside residence.
it's my day II over here.

talk about day I,

on the way.

checked in and moved all the luggages.
heavy die me.

bought the rack, and set it up with the help of cy.
she done most of it actually. kamsahamnida!

anyway, lucky me to have this room, facing lake hohoho!
nice housemates too. :)

the view from my room.

ugly pictures, didn't bring camera over, it's too bulky.
had subway as dinner for the first night,
i wonder what about the consecutive days. Lol.
by the way,
i can't wait to get my timetable and fly back, hahahaha.

pictures of the room? next post perhaps.
till then. bye!
have a nice day. :D

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