Saturday, January 8, 2011


uploading some albums to fb, they take time. >:(
so i might as well update bout my day, didn't really update bout my days recently, all i did was crapping, blabbing here, hahahahahah. enough of that.

went MPH yesterday, searched for Criminology, interested in it, but it's out of stock.
bumped into many familiar faces from hsc last year.
everything i'm craving for and planned to purchase is out of stock. *loud sigh.
Spent the day at shuxuan later, shall let the pictures speak.

i love vintage cars. :D

fyi, Shuxuan is located at Beach Street.

hike in price of beverages @ Shuxuan.
from RM 3 to RM 5.

played sudoku, read magazine, had m&m ( which is a no-no ; food are not allowed you see )
& also played Tap Tap! guess which side im in; the Sorry or the Winner?

many out of focus pictures by the friend. lol.

got myself this to kill time.
i want Criminology boooooks. :(
Little House by Amanda Seyfried is the soundtrack of Dear John.

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