Saturday, December 25, 2010



Merry Christmas people!

Have been quite emotive recently. Stress free days lead to tonnes of thinking. about all these that happened, and i realized each of the event is more or less the same. I just figured it out lately that it all happened due to the exam stress; which is i always deny that i'm in stress, and the stressful and hectic life leads to all the shits. ironically, so much in common. All the flashback reminds me that i'm blessed with their presence. It's just me who doesn't appreciate the chances to fix them. I hope i'll have a chance again to fix my fault, but no. Well, anyway, I hope it won't repeat in the future, and this is kind of like a reminder to myself. I supposed it's a lesson to me before marching into 18? i'm going to be no longer underage, and all these childish and immature actions and attitude should be terminated. i'm sorry for my immature actions and attitude.

feel so much better after expressing here though. (:
& had a nice talk with yentheng the other day,
she always bring comfort to me. Thank you.
btw, that's a snow globe from bro.

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