Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Life after HSC could be concluded as boring though there's much free time, lifeless i could say. it's like there's no aims, there's nothing to do, the mind is just so so blank. thought of going borders or mph to fill my brain, but there's this problem, transport problem that i've been facing since god knows when, cause i don't have car for myself, and it's always so troublesome to want others to fetch around, might as well stay stationary. and well, i do miss life during HSC, although it's busy, it's killing sometimes; due to Maths extension 2, and of course tiring due to the long hours of classes. but i was kind of used to it. so yea, no big deal since i could hardly doze off nowadays. i miss my coursemates ;) but everyone is just so so far away from me.

currently doing some research relating to my future. yes, choices again. life is about making choices. it's so annoying when you like everything and you need to pick one out of everything. as what Zig Ziglar said, “You are free to choose, but the choices you make today will determine what you will have, be and do in the tomorrow of your life.” Making choices is never easy, it's tough. and i know it myself, i'm not capable of taking sciences, poor memory you see. and even if i like them, they will never be my options. Well, there is an exception for Physics. thought of going for Architecture, love the models, it's fun. but fear that i might make the wrong decision, and i actually like Psychology as well. i'm indecisive! i don't really know what i want, and this is just so so bad. i escaped and realized that it's useless, sooner or later, i still need to make up my mind. and now it's the time for me to pick one.

sometimes, it takes losing someone
to realize how much they mean to you.

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