Monday, October 25, 2010

Killed by Maths Extension

Hello people.
dead, killed by maths extension 2. :(
maths is giving me nightmares. :(
i feel so bad, sorry to the coursemates.
sorry if my result affect you guys'.
i feel relieved instead of sad because the scariest subject is over.
let bygones be bygones, to those who are mourning for their maths, cheer up!
and work harder for other subjects.

that was the last day of HSC.
and now, pimples pimples ._.


WY said...

i feel relieved also la dui
finally OVER liao
even though banyak gai
but biao kin liao
over liao over liao
just now zZz for 3 hours ane

Anonymous said...

referring to those taking 2units as well. :)
yea. suan le. at least we've tried.
and its super duper tough. like shit. lol.
revise for ext1 ! :D