Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

do your part on Earth Day and every day.

Earth Day, celebrated in the US on April 22, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in 1970 and is celebrated in many countries every year.

Plant a tree.
Planting a couple of trees is a great way to keep your house and the planet cool. Plant leafy shade trees to the south, east and west to shade your home from summer sun, and plant evergreens to the north to provide a wind break in winter. Trees also help soak up greenhouse gas emissions.

Buy products that feature reusable, recyclable, or reduced packaging, to save energy required to manufacture new containers. Recycling aluminum cans, glass bottles, cardboard and newspaper helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
i've noticed that a lot of people love to throw recycling items into dustbin instead of recycling it. maybe it's more convenient throwing it into dustbin.. so, if you ain't playing your part, please start it. move your ass to recycle bins lah!

Turn the light off when it is not in used.
people rarely do that i know, i once visited someone and noticed that the lights and air-cond is on while no one is in that room. oh well.

Cut Back on Energy.
open the fridge when you've decided what you want to eat--not while you decide.
haha, i used to open the fridge while i decide. not anymore!

Keep the Earth Green.
When you go shopping, reuse plastic bags from a prior trip or bring a cloth bag or backpack.

Save Water.
When you brush your teeth, wet the brush, then tutu off the water until you need to rinse. You'll save about five gallons of water!

Choose wisely: A shower uses 3 to 5 gallons of water per minute. A full bathtub uses 36 gallons.

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