Saturday, April 4, 2009

17th Birthday?


well, i received my 17th Birthday present already which still months to go.
i thought it was someone else’s present & they pranked me with that on the day after april fool.
i feel so weird, it’s like 16th Birthday just past and wel…. daaa.
anyway, thanks caiminn, chingyun, jojo, pvoon & yentheng

i love the scent!

i haven't thanks anyone for the 16th birthday present yet. so thanks to

caiminn, chingmin & chingyun for the cupcakes
chinting, doreen, xiaovon for the skull chain.
saik li aka mao for the skull chain and green tea ice blended.
meiyam for the Capricorn stuffed toy.
Capricorn keychain from Peivoon
the skin food purchasers : chingmin,hueyying,janice,jialing,jojo,limin,yingting,vivien
&hippo purchasers, ahyuen & chyn chyn
well, let me know if i missed out anything or anyone. poor memory you know, sorry.

1 comment:

Emo Steven @ Emo AnGeL said...

Nice n Sweet Present u Hav...^^