Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Grasshoppers

a very short post
okay well, this was not macro shot.
the picture down there was actually cropped from the one up there.
and i photoshopped it, adjust the colour.
i never know that little grasshoppie looks so cute.

first term test tomorrow, not prepared yet.
not worried bout that but ABRSM examination.
good luck! and wish me luck anyone? :(

V-day post will be up soon? or maybe not.


Nick Chan said...

like that also let you see tio. nice shot! =)

yi ying said...

omg. the photos are so nice. cute enough. haha.

shingying said...

thanks nicholas. my mum was the one discovered that ;]

yeaa yiying. very cute. but not anymore when they grow up. hahha

yi ying said...

yeah. when they grow up is scary rather than cute.