Monday, February 6, 2012


my free books! happy. :D
im kinda interested in psychology related books.
how the brain works and stuff, neuroscience, i think that's very interesting. ;)

This is how i spent the rm200 voucher by the government.
and it's not enough, i want more :(
greedy me. anyway, im thankful.
i don't usually spend rm170 for a book, unless like its necessary.
but now, since it's free. :D

so, What do you do with yours?


LuPorTi said...

I jealous with you all of getting these vouchers you know.

shingying said...

yea. :P
you wish you don't graduate that soon right?
Happy birthday again. :D !

LuPorTi said...

Yalo. If I graduate one year later, then I will get the vouchers already.