Friday, November 11, 2011

The Stupidity

shoulder ache like hell. at least now i know i can't go for backpacking! never try backpacking, but i would love to, anticipating the day ( which i don't know when ) .

anyway, what leads to the ache?
it's due to my stupidity, i brought laptop to class, to library then thought of restocking the fridge, the food storage in my room, so yea. and i was super lazy to wait for another bus and walk back to commercial block ( which is where the hostel located at ) and it's not far actually.

therefore, i went to walk around with my laptop bag, books, full water bottle ( don't know why i didn't empty the bottle, MUST be lazy ) . it's effing heavy! CAN DAI. i wonder did the large force makes me shorter :( okay, lame. just so in the mood to blog, in the middle of the night.

told myself to complete two assignments today, but did nothing.
cause whenever i don't know how to continue the assignment, i will do other stuff instead, as in escaping. this shall not happen again!

and yup, i know i haven't been updating in a while. so here is the update at 2 30am! D;
and the friend reminded me of having a healthy lifestyle, so good night people.
i mean good morning.

now playing : Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

and i don't want the world to see me,
cause i don't think they would understand.


LuPorTi said...

Shing Ying, you ar..... Tsk tsk.

shingying said...

hahaha i know i know